Friday 12 October 2007

Esok Hari Raya!

Ya Rabbi, this is the first time in my life that while I'm about to celebrate Eid Mubarak and my parents and my siblings have another day to fast.

When Fendi broke the news to me about two hours ago, I thought he was kidding me. I quickly called my cousin, Nurul, to verify this piece of information. Yeah, it's 100% true. We, muslims in the United Kingdom will be celebrating 1st Syawal tomorrow, a day ahead of our beloved ones in Malaysia.

Then, Maz called me to inform me about the same thing and we wished each other and planned to meet up in London maybe on Saturday or Sunday. Most probably on Sunday because I can't on Saturday because my aunt is organising an open house on Saturday and Maz too has a prior arrangement with her cousin. According to Maz that the High Commission will be organising an open on Sunday at the Malaysia Hall. But from what I read on Lee's website, it's scheduled on Saturday. Hmmm...

Anyhow, I'm going to wear my maroon-coloured baju Melayu, full with sampin and songkok. Hopefully, the weather will be nice tomorrow morning. Fendi informed me that the first batch of Eid Mubarak salat will start around 8.15 in the morning. Alhamdulillah, I can have both, the salat as well as my morning lecture on Financial Market.

In the evening, I'll be going to London to celebrate Eid Mubarak with my aunt and her family.

Before I go, would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you, "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri" and "Maaf zahir dan batin". Guys, don't forget to tune-in to TV1 on 4th Raya at 6.30pm, there will be a big, big surprise for you. Don't miss it, ya!


reenazack said...

Selamat Hari Raya to u too..

Have a great ceoebration and take care okeh!

Luv u! Miss u!

Unknown said...

Salam aidilfitri uols!!! Ha ah sama lah pulak tajuk entry kali ni :)

Anyway yg majlis hari raya tuh actually Sunday..did I really mention it's gonna be saturday?Perhaps I was hoping raya will fall on Saturday so I could go to Datin Munah's open hose kat Templewood Gardens London tu hah.. oh time lah hoh?

Jumpa nanti ye? Sunday I think :) Will sms uols!

Rizal Rizal said...

Dear Hasmiron,

Wish you Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin.
Enjoy the celebration of victory!!

Harizal Alias

Mus The Great said...


Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!!

makan 'fake' ketupat/lemang/dodol tu jgnlah lupa org kat sini...hihih

Jo-Anne said...

Selamat Hari Raya..:)

Zetty said...

nasib baik makcik baca entry ni on raya ke-3. kena letak reminder dlm henpon ni, duduk depan TV1 kol 6.30pm!

Unknown said...

salam miron...baru sempat baca blog kau ni haaa...dah terlepas pun surprise raya ke 4 tu...wat was is about? citer lah sikit...kau keluar tv ke??

hans izal

ukanera arenaku said...

miss u too, baby!

lee novotny:
buatlah open house, sempat lagi.

thanks, mate. i'm sure u're looking forward for ur first raya on foreign soil. hehehe.

kau sampaikan salam aku kat mak kau tak?

thanks, sista!

tapi missed gak!

i'm sure u already knew about it by now. hehehe.