Thursday 11 October 2007

Death to Short Film

Gasman, a short film by Lynne Ramsay

How ironic it is, that I've been complaining to a number of people how struggled I was finding time to read the literatures on my long recommended reading lists, without I realised I've enrolled myself into an introduction course on short films!

This 8-week course, which started this evening from 6.30 to 8.30 pm, is led by Kate Taylor, editor of the Northen Film Network and co-director of the London Short Film Festival.

No prior knowledge is required because this course by Cornerhouse is specially designed for beginners like me. Hooray!

After attending the first class, I've a feeling that I'm going to enjoy this course because of two simple reasons.

Firstly, I'm the only Asian and if I'm not mistaken, the only two non-British in my class. At least, it makes me feel like studying in England, not in the United Nations territory or HQ.

Secondly, although the facilitator was not as lively as what I would expected, at least I learn a lot about film and filmmaking. And in this context short film, which from the lecture just now, briefly highlighted the distinct of short films as compared to feature films.

The class started with ice-breaking session and guess who were picked by Kate to start the ball rolling? Yeah, you're right... me. I introduced myself with my very best pronounciation of my own name, which really an effective attention grabber (I think I'm starting to love my unique name! hehehe). I was paused a bit, when were asked what was the last film I watched. My God... simple question but unfortunately it was difficult for me to think straight and after a couple of "hmmm..." I told the class that it was a Malaysian film, a love simple love story movie (Wah, memang satu sahaja filem Malaysia yang berkisarkan cinta!).

What's my expectation from this course? All of the sudden, I answered it like a beauty queen from India and hall of the class nodded. I'm not sure whether they're impressed/satisfied of my answer or my answer straight away confirmed how naive (or stupid) I am.

During that two-hour class, we're shown of two award-winning short films - I forgot the title of the first film, but I think it's About A Girl and Gasman. I love the latter because it has less dialogue, it shows a briliant use of colours (Kate looked impressed when I highlighted this point) and not too dramatic (or to Mus maybe no climax). It is a story of a little girl who just found out that her father has another family and how she tries to deal with her jealousy.

About A Girl by Brian Percival


Mus The Great said...

bestnya ambik kursus filem..jeleslah!...teringat masa kat US dulu

Unknown said...

Sujudsss!!!!! :)

Glamer abislaaa orang kita...selepas Dr Muszaphar, now uols!!! :)

Mya said...

jeles jeles jeles!!! arghh...

fajar said...

wah, kursus filem tu. tapi yang tak tahan tu, bila baca statement pengenalan ala miss india tu! lawak sungguh. hehehe.

anyway, salam aidilfitri. moga lebaran ini membawa seribu rahmat dan kejayaan buat badril.

p/s: tak sempat la nak turun london. dah le kali pertama raya kat sini. byk pulak rmh terbuka kat sini. plan to do the open house on the 2nd day. kalau free, datang la ke glasgow. :)

ukanera arenaku said...

Alah Mus... 101 je!

Lee... esok hari raya!

Nanti I buat knowledge sharing ya, Mya.

Thanks, Fajar. Insya-Allah, nak naik Glasgow nanti, will let u know. Eid Mubarak.