Thursday 25 October 2007

Another sad hate (love) song...

I do not want to sound racist, but I cannot help but to rant it on this blog.

I was on my way home from my weekly Short Film Course last night. The bus was about to stop at one of the designated bus stop in Rusholme and there was this car blocked the way.

The bus driver gave his first honk to inform the car in front to move so that he can drop the passengers off. The car did not move. After a while, he gave another honk and this time twice. Still, there was no response from the car driver. I think he must be waiting for his passenger.

Another couple of honks, but it did not work.

After a minute or two, a lady with her child slowly approaching the car and slowingly got into the car. And the car still not moving!

The bus driver "played" a series of tuneless honks for about a minute or two but nothing happened. Then, I heard the bus driver screamed, "Get out from my bus stop!" A couple of pedestrians also made a couple of sign to the car driver to move and move. At last the car moved but very, very slowly.

Five or six passengers got off and the bus moved again. But the nightmare did not stop there. The car was still in front of us, moving very, very slowly. But this time the driver did not honk the horn. He slowed down the bus in order to get a sufficient distance and he pressed the gas pedal.

Do you know what happened after that?


As the bus approaching the car, the *&^%^%$ car speed up and left the scene.

I can ensure you the car driver has a similar background as other young car drivers who drive expensive cars along the Oxford Road with high volume of noisy music from their car stereos.

I just wondering why they do that? What is the point they are trying to prove? Well, I guess it might be cool to show off like that in their home countries but definitely not here. Or at least not me. How cool is it to show off with things that you bought using your parents' money? To me, it is just a confirmation on how useless these people are. Full stop.


Unknown said...

kekwat betul car driver tu kan...kalau ni jadik kat msia, mampos lah bergaduh kuar parang, besi bagai....

Mus The Great said...

i wonder kalau2 he's malaysian....

ukanera arenaku said...

hans & mus:

Alhamdulillah, most of malaysians are well behaved here. The said group (actually just a bunch of terejal youth) that I was referring to was originated from South Asian countries.