Tuesday 9 October 2007

Ambang, Ambang, Ambang, Ambang Raya!

Another four more days before we celebrate Eid Mubarak. And this is going to be my fourth Aidilfitri that I won't be around my beloved mother, father and siblings.

The thing that I'm gonna miss the most is the opportunity to kiss my parents' cheeks and to hug them passionately. This is because only on Aidilfitri (and a very, very few and rare occasions) my parents "allow" us to perform this. And only on that day as well, I will cry like a small child.

Only on Raya too, my siblings and I will have the ketupat with not one or two but four or five dishes. And my favourite, as always, will be the rendang kerang. My all time favourite! We will also have chicken rendang, beef rendang, sambal udang and if we're well-behaved on Raya eve, normally my mother will cook an extra dish, either peanut sauce or rendang peparu.

Since I was a little boy, I don't fancy fire crackers. So, I don't miss that thing definitely. Pasang pelita? Yeah... I'm so blessed to have a father who loves to light up oil lamps and put them around our house. And every three or four years, he will change with new design. And I love the one that my father made them by himself, using bamboo. That was five or six years back, when I've just started working and was a bit nervous to give out my first angpows to smaller cousins.

Instead of joining my two younger brothers go for takbir raya from house to house, I will patiently accompany two of my younger sisters changing the curtains as well as cushion cases. Go on, guess what was my role?

"Senteng tu!"
"Labuh sangat!"
"Kedut-kedutkan dia."

Because of my big mouth, I always get this from them.

"Along pandai sangat kan, nah buat!"

Oh, God... can I still have this at my aunt's house?


Unknown said...

Kann?? U can never beat beraya dengan famili... how I miss those days too where my dad selalu sangat buat kek raya bagai (tapi eversince dia dah mengidap memacam penyakit nih, tak buat dah...). Really really missed his kitchen craft! :)

Oh well... uols insyaAllah next year balik hoh? Mak jugak yg dinch hui balik ke idak..I think I need to sebab dah bising dah adik adik dan mak bapak..uishhh kan kena murka ke hapa tak berkat pulak mak dok sini! :)

Nanti kita jumpa ya Hari Raya nanti..not sure what time we'll be down there.. not sure yet kat mana mak nak semayang raya nanti - Cambridge or London????

Mus The Great said...

buat ketupat kat saner tak?...ooops ada daun kelapa ker kat saner?

reenazack said...

Since chicken price has gone up, we have decided to do rendang kerang this year..nantikan kemunculannyer di blog i..hehehehehe.. jgn melelehlak air liur tu tgk nanti..and don't cry k!

Wadi: said...

Dear Hasmiron,

Your narration touched my heart and soul. Be strong in Manchester ok. I cried last year during the night of Hari Raya and I lost my tears. Now, I am so much happy :) You take care there!


Zetty said...

ada layan main bunga api tak kat sana?

ukanera arenaku said...

Insya-Allah, will give u a ring, Lee.

Daun kelapa? Santan pun santan dalam tin!

Don't forget to upload the pic of ur rendang kerang, ya rina...

And you too, Wadi. Take care and cheers, mate.

Bunga api ada, kalau tak silap ada nampak kat Manchester Arndale Market. Tapi not as gempak as ours in Msia. Tapi kat Chinatown mungkin ada kot...

Unknown said...

ron...i still vividly remember when i first came to your hometown to celebrate eid with u...we had the rendang paru like hell u know..its was so delicious as if we havent tried it before..nyway, i will miss that moment perhaps for this year eid only...hope to be with u soon....salam idulfitri..take care...& maaf zahir batin...

ukanera arenaku said...

my mum did not cook rendang kerang this year because she's afraid she will cry everytime she looks at it.