Wednesday 21 November 2007

It is Official!

Yeah, it is official now that I am not coming home this Christmas break. I was hoping to attend three family functions early next month, but unfortunately I still have two more weeks before my term break starts on 15 December 2007.

I will miss two weddings and one engagement party.

The first wedding that I am going to miss is Zaid's wedding. Despite the fact that I would love to attend his wedding so much (because I have not miss any of my cousins' weddings), but with my current situation, I don't feel so bad because (1) I have attended his eldest brother's wedding last year; and (2) I am not that close to him due to our significant age difference.

The engagement party is for my sister who will be engaged to one of my junior from high school. Once again, although I would love to be at this function, my mother has successfully convinced me not to feel bad because (1) in our society engagement party is to be handled by the older family members, whose presence is more important than younger family members; and (2) insya-Allah, I still can come to her wedding.

The thing that I will regret the most is not being able to attend the wedding of one of my close (read: favourite) cousins. She is getting married on 8 December 2007 - two days before my second assessed assignment and four days after my first assessed assignment.

I feel very, very bad because this is the first wedding in her family and her family has helped me and of course my family, a great deal. In fact, her mother had just called me on Sunday, besides asking about my studies she continued to comfort me. Every time I think of this, I feel very bad and helpless too. Oh God...

Mohammed and Sarah did brought up the idea of retail therapy as a mean to ease problem. Hmmm... I don't think that I'm a shopping kind of person. Don't you think so?


izal said...

already miss u la miron...!!

ukanera arenaku said...

I miss you too, Izal.