Thursday 7 August 2008

Let's talk... rationally.

I hope more of this will come to our TV to openly and rationally discuss issues and matters affecting us, the Malaysians.

In this debate, we the rakyat could judge for ourselves, who talks rubbish and who isn't.

At first, I wanted to list down the gist of the debate on fuel price. But on second thought, I don't think it's proper for me to dictate others' takes on this issue. If you want to compare notes with me, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

Thank you Agendadaily, thank you Dato' Ahmad Shabery and Datuk Seri Anwar. Thank you for this historic debate.

1 comment:

Harris Shah Abd Hamid said...

Apa matlamat dan niat para pembahas? Nak munghujahkan isu atau nak memburukkan pihak lawan? eeerrmmm.... ni la namanya debat politik, kan? Kalau ada students yg respon gaya Pak Menteri i.e. tak menjawab soalan...memang sah dapat kosong. .