Anyhow, have a safe journey home, guys. All the best and may Allah bless you with more rahmat, berkat and joy. Aamin.
Please forgive me for any of my wrongdoings. Dan minta halal makan dan minum.
The following pictures were taken @Aghan Restaurant, our very last chance to spend time with Fendy and SMAP.
And this picture was taken @my adik-adik's house yesterday. We were supposed to have a small picnic at Platt Field Park, but unfortunately, our cooks took too much of time to prepare the dishes. And by the time the food were ready, we were too tired (read: lazy) to go out for a picnic. I didn't cook, but I brought a cheese cake and seedless red grapes. Fendy cooked us nasi minyak, our imported chef from Malaysia, Amelia made us ayam masak merah and Ayap fried vegetables with shrimp. Dini made us a tasty lasagna. But the best of all was the gorgeous watermelon bought by Fir. Thanks, guys.
salam..wahh happy hours ek
salam, arsaili.
mmmm not so bad...i'm loving it...
izal: apa yg you're loving it tu???
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