Monday 10 December 2007

When I start talking about the genes, you better run now!

One thing that I really know about myself is my eagerness to know everything around me, and the scary part is... everything around everybody that I love. I guess it is inside the genes and I am sure I must have got from my ancestors. Oh, please... not another blame game!

I have been away for 12 weeks now, and you know what... I have never, ever connected to the Internet as much as what I am having now even if I were to combine all my online experience for the past 10 years. Hmmm... I think I might have exaggerating the fact a bit. Hehehe. But my point is I am so Internet addict and I wonder why is this happening.

I check my mailbox almost every hour. Well, some of you might not find it strange. How about if I were to rephrase it to "all my mailbox" -,, and of course my university's too. What make you so sure that I do not have another mailbox? Do you know why I maintain this cumbersome arrangement and why not consolidate into one account? Don't you remember that I really need to know everything, do you?

I use to keep in touch with my friends from school and college days. While is for those who I make friend in this new millenium and is for my correspondence with various organisations, both on official and social capacity. The reason I still postpone the consolidation exercise is because I'm afraid I might lost any important correspondence, such as how nervous my ex-classmate is now expecting her 5th child. After waking up in one fine day, she just decided to send me a surprise email (did she read my posting on surprise too?).

Gambar Hiasan: My farewell dinner with my bosses - Kak Liza K, Kak Liza M & Hanif about 13 weeks ago.

I hope I won't have to tell you how religiously I read Malaysian news feed websites, because if I do I'm 100% positive most of you will stop reading this posting immediately.

Social networking websites? I'm just a typical guy next door. So, do expect that I have an account with,,,, and do not laugh... I still an active member of! You know what, I almost sign up myself for and too. I know I must not wasting my precious time on this things, but please don't convince me to abandon all of this, at least not now. If not, where can I get my source of information (bukan gossip saja tau!). Don't we all need information in this digital age?Although most of my friends keep feeding me with si-anu-with-si-ani type of information, but it is still information, right?

So, please don't make me stop now because I already "lost" one source of information. My beloved mother just reminded me only to call home when is necessary. To her, calling home every other day does not seem necessary at all.

And I'm telling you I'm not.... hehehe.

p/s: Congratulations to Nurul for her wedding and to Mira for her engagement, which both were held yesterday.


ZaCk said...

Dear my lovely Fren.. i think im not surprise with ur eagerness because of: had a new laptop(power lak tu)
2.since u kat negara org.. banyak "kenalan" yg perlu dicari..walaupun beberapa website yg u tak mention(i knew it..hehe..)takkan la e-kawan je kot..
3.connection dlm bilik senang la..
4.Web cam dah ade skang kan.. lagi senang.. cane..hehe..

Anyway..hope u happy..jaga diri..jaga peribadi ya..
miss u!!

fajar said...

kalau byk akaun, mesti byk password nak ingat kan? harus ada buku kecik nak tulis username dgn password. hehehehe

Unknown said...

Mujurlaaa keluarga mak dinch sangat into internet nih..kalau tak..hmmmm pecs lobs lah mak, uols!!!!, yahoo, gmail..semuanya ada kegunaan tersendiri..mak pun sama noks...:)

Mus The Great said...

me too..i pun addictive to internet..u are not alone dear

Brecht said...

B, welcome to the club, cam you, i pun hantu internet, dont know what i do without it, esp all alone in strange foreign land, jauh from all that is familiar! = ) Mak u tak nak u call her setiap hari? She is practical lah tu kan. My mak i call her thru yahoo or msn, so sometimes sampai setiap hari dok webcam but normally only once a week, pasal dia nak tengok cucu dia... take care dear! Hugs

ukanera arenaku said...

miss u too. insya-Allah, will be coming home in March 2008.

apa nak buat, sendiri cari penyakit. hehehe.

wah, we've lots in common. ramlah ram, blogging, emailing, traveling. hehehe.

and pls stay addictive, so that I will continue get those gossips, ops... newsfeed.

unfortunately, they're not connected to Internet because my sister was too fed up with the poor service by Streamyx and decided to cut off the service. :(