Tuesday 4 December 2007

I Prayed for You Today

I am so blessed to have loving family and caring friends. I am not just saying it, I really mean it. I am so thankful with Allah's blessings to have the beautiful people as my big extended family. And all praise to Allah, for another rezeki for my family in general and Lia in particular. Syukur alhamdulillah.

I received another mail from Malaysia yesterday afternoon. Although I have expected its arrival but the fact that it reached me quite fast, give another opportunity to enjoy a "surprise".

And I love surprises and enjoy giving out surprises to my family and friends. Eventhough all my gestures were undertaken sincerely without expecting anything in return, I will be totally in cloud nine to have receive any treats from my beloved ones. Well, who doesn't?

I still remember the best birthday I had - not one but two - but believe me both were simple and sederhana (but not as sederhana as what used to be quoted in Malaysian newspapers) and were thrown to me as a surprise.

And how can I forget others like a book by Dina Zaman, the latest CDs of Mawi and Anuar Zain, the lovely silk tie which I have been keeping for my big day (don't worry Mira... Lia..., I will wear it someday) and of course, those Raya cards with hand-written messages.

Yesterday afternoon, I was equally surprised (and touched too) with the kindness of another friend of mine. We have been friend slightly less than half a year, but she has been so kind to me all this while.

She mailed the latest copy of Off The Edge magazine which has Datin Seri Siti Nurhaliza on its cover. I am so glad that she really know about the existence of this magazine when most of my friends claimed that they never heard of it before.

And she sent me a beautiful card too with beautiful quote by Donna Fargo. It is something that I really need right here, right now- a prayer for well-being. From the bottom of my heart, I salute you Reena. Thank you very, very much.

p/s: Don't miss out the interviews with Lee Novotny, Princess Reena and Herman on tamu arenaKu.


reenazack said...

Darling, am glad it reached u safely.. Don't even mention it.. u r making me embarassed over such a small favor..

Manifestation of Life said...

darn Hasmiron, what did you do?!
posting on my interview? hehehe, malu lah dear...
you got so many of your fantabulous friends and i am the chosen one?! an excerpt from NST? hehehe, that was a joke lah...
darn, i am so blushing for my "besar kemaluan" ahaks ahaks ahaks..
jeez, thanks dear, thanks a lot for still recognizing me as one of those good ones..
cheers and kiss kiss..

ukanera arenaku said...

reenazack & herman:
I didn't know that you guys are the shy-shy-cat type!