Saturday 5 July 2008

TV shows and I

Life is very tough for a single man like me in a foreign land. Unlike my undergraduate days, my present classmates and I have limited socialising encounters and most of us are very comfortable on our own with our self-study and dissertation.

And the fact that I don't have a thick skin, I don't think I'm brave enough to visit my undergraduate adik-adik to tumpang watching shows on Sky.

Since I don't have a telly in my room, so I either rewatch Ally McBeal or Howard's End DVDs, or catch the following shows on the Internet:

1. Ask Baba Ali (
2. To Buy Or Not To Buy (
3. Graham Norton Show (
4. Summer Height High (
5. Sindarela (
6. Gangstarz (
7. Akademi Nasyid (
8. Brothers and Sisters
9. The Simpsons (
10. Gossip Girl

If you've some spare time, why don't you spend it on watching Ask Baba Ali ( on youtube. He's very funny indeed!

Racism and Pride

Why Islam?

p/s:Mus... don't smile smile, okay! hehehe


Mus The Great said...

yeap!. he's funny, but at the same very intellectual man...

ukanera arenaku said...

totally agree with u, mus!