Sunday 8 June 2008

Summer is coming honey!

I was thinking of going to the BBQ party organised by the MCOT yesterday at Platt Field, but as usual, I was TOO SHY to go there alone. This is because my adik-adik - Fendy and Dini are currently enjoying themselves in Rome, Italy.

Although I'm deeply interested to join any activities organised by the Malaysian Community of Old Trafford, my final decision will depends on the availability of these two muda mudi!

This morning, I received an email from one of the attendees of yesterday's barbecue party who sent us the following pictures. Although I feel a bit envy looking at the excitement in these pictures, I feel a bit relieved because all the attendees seemed too YOUNG to be around this OLD man!

I guess I need to persuade one of my classmates to organise one. Who should I cucuk first? Huanu has gone back to China, hmmm... let me try Sarah or Hannah. Til then, enjoy the following pictures!


fmac said...

happy summer holiday!! (holiday ke summer kat sana)

izal said...

hepi holiday bro!!

the pics tell everything...

i know how u feel...:)

ukanera arenaku said...

yeap, it's summer holiday for undergrads but for postgrads, it's self-study period.

those adik-adik looked very happy, kan!

Unknown said...

Merries!!! Tak sangka Steven Gerrard pun ado!!! **sujudsssssssssss