Friday 20 June 2008

Interesting, funny, but... boleh percaya ke?

I must admit it's very hard to stay objective when you're reviewing something, or in this case an article on someone that you like very, very much. However, picking a subject that really close to my heart could be a mistake, instead of an advantage. Especially, if you don't careful with your facts.

I didn't finish when I first read this article. I put it aside and read others at least twice before I picked Mustaffa's write-up on Ogy once again.

Overall, this article was nicely outlined and written. It presents both well known and new facts. Although the only new information to me is Ogy's date of birth, but I'm sure there are some people who didn't know about the wardrobe malfunction highlighted in this article.

I personally think it's a smart move by Mustaffa NOT to overrate this TWO times winner of FFM's Best Actress award. She has numerous accolades and glories under her belt, but as a human she too makes mistakes. At least, when I read this article, I don't feel like reading an obituary - where we must NOT say negative things about the deceased. And Mustaffa did this with a sufficient dose of humour. A trait which many of our local journalists are seriously lacking.

Nevertheless, this article was too general and lack of elaboration on specific examples which could convince the readers on Fauziah Ahmad Daud's charisma and aura as a seniman or seniwati terbilang.

And Mustaffa's biggest sin is the fact that he presented, not one but two wrong facts in his article. This reminds me of the work of several journalists from Harian Metro, Berita Harian, The Malay Mail and The Star, which I had emailed them in the past to pinpoint and correct their mistakes. To me, this is about credibility and ethic!

I've highlighted one of the mistakes, and I hope others could spot the other error. My two cent to Mustaffa and others... please find a credible source. Trust me, wikipedia is definitely, NOT one of them.

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