Sunday 27 April 2008

Me and sex robot?!

Don't worry, my blog will never be the likes of LeeUK1972, although I'm fully aware that sex sells. This is because of two obvious reasons.

Firstly, I've low sex drive (don't get me wrong because I'm not suggesting that LeeUK1972 on the other hand, has high sex drive) since selling friends on Facebook or watching Brothers and Sisters or Graham Norton Show online or planning for my Europe Tour or blogging (and of course, studying!) is currently (I reiterate, currently) 1000000 times more important than looking for otak-kuning (or is it otak-blue?) clips on youtube or youporn.

And the second reason is, I'm a shyguy, for God sake! A shy guy is too shy to think about sex, isn't it? Hehehe, I can "see" Rina and Azzril are making one kind of face!

I first saw the above picture in the METRO newspaper a week or two ago. Yesterday, I saw it one more time in the email sent by a friend of mine with a special note, reads as follows:
"I know this won't be available until 40 years plus from now, I guess it's good idea to start saving from now!"

And this is my spontanous reaction, "&%^$#@*)!!!" (Yes, Azzril... I do swear, like 1 in every 5 years!)

Oh, my God! What's happening to this world. Not enough with the shock that we got on pregnant MAN (thank God, he used to be a she. Wait a minute, if he still have female reproductive system why on earth we call him, he?), here comes another attack on marriage institution.

According to the article, David Levy, who is an artificial intelligence expert, claims that the sex robots will be uninhibited, free of sex transmitted disease and probably much better in bed! 'One of the downsides of prostitution is the spread of sexual diseases; with robots you can just take out the artificial genitals and wash tem or dispose of them.'

Okay... at least, there's some economic sense here.

And according to Dr Glyn Hudson-Allez, a psychosexual therapist, these sex robots are aimed at men with low self-esteem or men who want to objectify and control.

Hmmm... I wonder which category my friend who sent me this email thinks I fall into. Siap kau, if you think of the former!!!

Although some men might feel a bit threaten if their partners or spouses start to compare them with the likes of David Beckham or even worse, some pornstars, but I still find the idea of having sex with robots as absurb as having sex with animals. Instead of horny or steamy, it's definitely a scary one, man!

By the way, don't you think that David Beckham's balls in the latest Armani ad has been doctored? Not that I feel insecured of his balls, but should we have some sort of standardised ethics here. Because the consequences of this or similar act such as doctoring a supermodel's boobs might fuel the teens' obssession towards unrealness beauty.

For the record, I'm saying NO to sex robots and NO NO NO to cosmetic or plastic surgeries. Sorry... so NOT me!


Kay@Driyz said...

sex tot of tat...

Unknown said...

Maaatilah mak kena carutz ngan sells katanya..***pekop molot!

ha-ah no no no way for me either... robot tu kan besi..nak undang malapetaka kah kalau kena tutuh ngan besi???? **pengsan!

ukanera arenaku said...

interesting? the idea isn't scary to u? hehehe

carutan ke? hehehe.

reenazack said...

yes i am rolling my eyes the minute my eyes caught the word shy guy! hehheehehe.. what a joke!..

i am imagining me switching on the vibrator on the sex robot n suddenly got electrocuted down there..hehehehe..scary man..