Thursday 26 July 2007

Ya, Rabbi...

When I decided to buy myself a car a year ago, I said to myself... it's time and I shouldn't wait any longer.

And I know, since day one, that I'm not a good driver. After two weeks of driving my beautiful yet tough (hehehe) NEO, we got ourselves into our first accident. Although it was a minor one, but it's still an accident and I was slapped with my first summon!

Since then, I've lost count on how many dents and calars on my NEO. And the latest was yesterday morning as per the above picture. Gempar lah!

This morning, when I went to stall no.1 to buy me a glass of teh O, the owner smiled at me and said this, "Wah... abang bawa NEO banyak laju ya!"

With my senyum kelat, I asked him when was that.

"Pagi semalam di Bulatan Dato' Onn. Abang pergi ke arah Jalan Kuching. Saya pergi ke arah sekolah."

I just smiled back at him and left his stall with my drink. I think I also have lost count on how many times I hear people commenting my driving skill. And I remember an old saying that goes something like... if 40 people say so, then it must be true.

Well, let me check... Mak, Lan, Faizal, Mus, Rejas, Maz, Niza, Nek Chu, Ojot, Bai...

Ya, Rabbi! Ya, Rasul!


rudy bluehikari said...

laju sgt ke bawak? hati2 brother.

AJ said...

My condolences on your car.
Aku rase aku ade tegur cara ko memandu. Very der unskilled. Kalu nak belok, makan jalan bukan main banyak lagi. Aiyooo.... Bad, you should be careful. Bahaya tau!!!!