Monday 2 July 2007

My adopted brother, Shah stopped by at my Graha last weekend after we bowled with Otam & Zack at the Ampang Point Superbowl. He came to KL with his family and they stayed at his sister's place in Setiawangsa.

Mak datuk, penatnya! Zack & I played 3 games while Shah & Otam played 5 games. Next to our lanes, there were Salih Yaakob & Danny X-Factor! Kenapa aku tengok Danny tu macam sudah buncit? Kwang3x...

Sebelum itu, sebelah petangnya... Rina, Mus, Zack & Ezat came to my place for another swimming session. By the time we came down, the pool was half full with kids and some students, which I haven't seen them before.

Tiba-tiba pula aku dan Rina tidak "berselera" untuk berenang. Cuma Mus dan Zack sahaja yang berenang, sambil aku, Rina dan Ezat memerhati dengan penuh teliti dari atas. Mana lah tahu... kot2 diperlukan credible lifeguard like us. Hehehe... berangan. Kalau setakat pandai terapung saja... janganlah pasang angan-angan sedemikian. Hehehe

Oh, ya... aku ingin memaklumkan bahawa aku sudah punyai, bukan seorang, tetapi dua orang teman serumah. One is Din and another one is Ajoi. Din is from Kelantan and graduated from the Universiti Utara Malaysia, if I'm not mistaken, he holds a degree in IT while Ajoi is from Perak. He graduated from the University of Malaya with an engineering degree.

Insya-Allah, will upload pictures of them later.

Ajoi's sister came by once again on Sunday to pass him some necessity items. Comelnya kedua-dua anaknya! Jemputlah datang lagi ya, kak.

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