Monday 23 July 2007

Desperate Wives, Desperate Husbands!

According to today's NST, more mowen are now cheating on their husbands and it has been on the rise over the past 10 years! Am I shocked? Hmmm... I don't think so.

Well, don't call me a sexist or feminist or chauvinist or yang sewaktu dengannya, I'm not shocked at all with the findings highlighted by Minderjeet Kaur and Jennifer Gomez. Do I believe this? Yes, I am. But I'm not sure how significant the number is, I do believe that more and more women are cheating on their husbands. But I've the feeling the number is lower than the number of husbands cheating on their wives.

And we need not to play the blame games - my partner ignores me; I was forced to marry him/her; bla... bla... bla... but more importantly to revisit the importance of this so-called marriage institution.

Have more studies and intellectual dialogues with various parties and come to the conclusion - whether or not marriage is still relevant in today's world.

Most of you will think that I'm otak tak center. But I really think that the society needs to believe or have faith in marriage, in order to uphold all its rules, values and virtues.

What is the purpose of getting married? Zuriat? Most of all know that you can still have zuriats without the need to spending thousands for wang hantaran, wedding reception & spouse.

The government agencies, community leaders, academicians & scholars need to formulate the institutional framework for marriage in Malaysia. Start to have policies which contain family values, for instance. What will be a conducive environment to people to stay in marriage, to have beautiful families, to uphold marriage institution, etc. Well, this may sounds funny or merepek, but we really need this.

Yeah... you listen this crap from single male! What? From a bujang terlajak?

Although I never sit in front of the kadi for a akad nikah or never sit on pelamin, but trust me, I still believe in this institution. (Janganlah gelak!) And to me, if you have decided to commit your life with the chosen one, then by all means, you should try your very, very best to defend this union. Why should we point fingers after it starts to go wrong?

Alah... hang bolehlah cakap. Hang tak kahwin lagi...

Betulkah? Aku tak tahu sebab aku tak kahwin lagi? Hmmm...

p/s: The author was diagnosed with Kawin syndrome after a chat with his two uncles regarding kawin, of course!

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