Friday 1 February 2008

Stop complaining about your hair, Ms. Flockhart!

I'm not on my highest point of my life right, but thank God, not on my lowest point either. But believe me, I just not in my best form at this point of time. Literally.

As you can see from the pictures from the Belfast trip, I'm currently having bad hair. As much as I dislike my hairstyle right now, I'm dying to keep it grows long. Stop laughing, Mus. Okay, okay... I'm very keen to have a similar hairstyle as M. Nasir, Anuar Zain and Jamal Abdillah (I was told that Jamal is having his hair short, is that true?). And based on my previous experiences, a year is too short of time to grow my hair to match theirs' lengths. In case you don't know, in about eight months' time, I've to back to my office, which means go to back to the government servant (or should I say semi-government) haircut.

The reason I dislike my hair is because not only it will awkwardly curl at its end, it kembangs too. Yeah, I come from a family with thick, strong, healthy black hair. Well, at least every male in my family still keep the hair for decades.

Besides bad hair, I'm so unfortunate to be attacked by pimples. Mus called it jerawat nasi and they are all over my face. To add salt to the wound, I've a couple of what I call as "horny pimples" at several noticeable spots. Wait... don't get me wrong. I don't mean horny, horny. I mean when I get excited such as the arrival of Ally McBeal DVDs or excitement to go places, these unwanted things will suddenly appear on my exotic face.

And I don't have my nailclipper with me for almost two weeks now. Oh God... am I becoming like Ally McBeal? Stop laughing, Mus! I'm not vain, okay...

So, Mazlina... I hope this answers your question as why I didn't take close-up pictures of me during my vacation with some of my classmates.

Also, I would like to bid farewell to Fairuz, who will be returning to Cairo to continue his Master degree there. All the best, brother and thank you very, very much for your nasihats. If you're having problem to download the following pictures, don't feel hesitate to let me know so that I could email them to you.


looka80 said...

u didnt clip ur nails for two weeks? euwww.. u disgust me dude. haha.. can't wait to see that curly flurry long hair mate. keep it growing!

Mus The Great said...

hehehhe...i thought i was the only one malas nak potong kuku...


Ermm..TQ AS for everything. I hope i can meet u again may be here, in cairo or in malaysia. keep in touch and dont forget me in your doa'. May all your wishes come true. Have a nice white snow there. Actuallay, i wanna be there again to see u and the snow as well..heeehe..TQ again wassalam

Fly to egypt : monday 4.20 pm

reenazack said...

i bet it's the real and authentic 'horny' pimples! ..hehehehe..

Miss u darling!

ukanera arenaku said...

looka80 & mus:
don't worry, just bought a new one from Superdrug. 1.09 pound (almost RM7!)

insya-Allah, kalau ada sumur di ladang...

hehehe... tahu2 je kan. miss u too, syg!

fajar said...

isk kesiannya. maybe kena cari pencuci muka yg bersesuaian kot? tak pun, kena jumpa dermatologist. ;)