Thursday 10 May 2007

Me vs. Management Company

I received a phone call this afternoon from a staff of the management company appointed by the developer to manage the Astaka Heights.

"Encik kena bayar RM100 dan letak deposit sebanyak RM1000 sebelum membuat apa-apa ubah suai rumah".
"RM100? What for, if I may ask?"
"Oh... processing fee".
"What processing fee? What it covers? I just installed the iron grills".
"Yalah... untuk bersihkan kekotoran nanti".
"No, you don't. That will be taken care by my contractor. I don't think you guys will clean it up".
"Itu peraturannya, Encik. Tetapi kalau Encik tidak berpuas hati, Encik boleh hadir ke pejabat kami dan berbincang dengan bos saya".
"Okey, terima kasih".

Oh, please lah... I'm not stupid. I don't pay for nothing. If you want my money, please offer me something in exchange. Don't you dare dreaming of easy money from me. I DO NOT tolerate such antic! Period.


Mohd Yusof said...

kadang2 rasa pelik & musykil ngan permintaan deposit tu. u bought the house, bukannya menyewa kat diaorg pun. suka ati la nak buat apa kat rumah kita kan? so deposit tu utk apa pulak? then, kenapa processing fee tu sampai rm100 kan? nak proses apa? ada nak buat paper work ke? mahal sangat ke kos kertas & fotocopy? ada diaorang kena buat agreement lain yg memerlukan setem hasil ke? pelik...pelik... Unless, they can justify the purpose 4 rm1000 + rm100 tu in detail, and if it's logical, then barulah org puas hati

ukanera arenaku said...

betul tu hazry!