Monday 10 March 2008

Tales of Villa Cafe, e-KT and e-Jerlun

I had a late night out last night. My friends and I went to Villa Cafe for our supper as well as catching up of what's happening around since the last time we met. Well, not that long. If I'm not mistaken, a month or two.

At first, we wanted to go to Rotana Cafe but Sharil's persuasion for us to pick Villa Cafe was too strong to resist. In addition, none of us but Sharil of course have been there. So, if it turned out to a bad choice, at least we have a scapegoat to be pointed to. Hehehe.

We picked the top floor and thank God for that pick. Well, our first impression was just so-so and we can't stopped picking on Sharil by exaggerating some of the shortcomings that we found out, like its weird armless rattan chairs and the cheepoh-looking and berlobang-lobang coffee table. Nevertheless, Dini and I were agreed to each other that the crowd was not that bad. And they didn't play the Middle Eastern music videos as loud as Musicana Cafe.

The biggest spoiler of the night is its "rude" waiter. Well, the word "rude" might be too harsh but basically the waiter has no friendly intonation and could be a one-sentence kind of person. But that didn't stop us from having fun talking about our stuff plus, and most of us were quite surprised that we did centre our conversation on Malaysian politics. Or could it be that Fendi was trying to be sarcasm. Anyhow, it was a "productive" talk especially when you have people with diverse political belief. Some are pro-BN and some are pro-BR and some, although are indifferent yet have solid principles.

However I don't to bore you with politic talk. But, please allow me to say something about one of the candidates in the recent general election. I pick Tok Mun aka Puan Maimun binti Yusuf.

As most of you know by now, not only she lost the contest, her deposit too. To me, 10K not a small amount and that doesn't include the expenses of running her campaign. Alhamdulillah, a couple of youth have decided to help out and are running a campaign to raise fund for Tok Mun.

If you feel of doing your part here, feel free to visit to learn more on how to get involved in the said fundraising. According to this blog, soon they will publish the account number of Tok Mun (yeap, Tok Mun's own bank account) and you may donate generously. Until that, you might want to send an email to to plegde an amount to this fundraising. Don't get me wrong, the idea is not to "menunjuk-nunjuk" but merely to create a stimulant or to motivate people to donate generously. Hopefully, Allah will bless this effort and the money raised will help Tok Mun in her daily life. Aamin.

Also, please help yourself to be a member of Tok Mun Group on facebook and get in touch with about 400 people who are touched by the courage and determination shown by Tok Mun in pursuing her dreams. There are also links to stories or coverage on Malaysia's (if not world's oldest) oldest candidate in a general election by media worldwide.

Maybe RTM would want to feature her in their IT song clip!!

Good samaritans that have been campaigning for Tok Mun

Dini asked me why I's so passionate about Tok Mun story. I don't you guys, but I feel so inspired by her decision and struggle to contest in the general election. Well, I might not agreeing to her idealogy or some of her principles, but Tok Mun had proved to all of us that it's worth trying our very best to pursue betterment in life. Definitely, it is going to be a good message to pass down to the younger generation. The message of hard work, determination and dedication and age is just a number.

Before I go, allow me to share a couple of printscreens from Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir's blog - RantingsbyMM.

In case you can read the messages written on both screenshot, here is the transcript for your information, please.

arenaKu uKanera said...
i wonder why you and your sister-in-law wore selendang in jerlun? hmmm...
March 6, 2008 7:51 PM

MarinaM said...
Arenaku Ukanera and Jay, ALL the women wear tudung or selendang in Jerlun. To have not used one would have been considered disrespectful.
March 7, 2008 12:42 PM

Again, I choose to elegantly say, "No further comment".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kann...bahang Tok Mun dosi terasa sampai ke Jerlun malah ke Uk nuh hah...tu Marina pun pakat pakai selendang ala ala Tok Mun hehehehehe :)