Thursday 4 June 2009

Moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki, Abah!

Hari ini adalah hari ulang tahun kelahiran Abahku. Like me, he doesn't like birthday bash. Nevertheless, like my mother, he doesn't mind to receive birthday gifts.

Can't wait to go home to Melaka to eat his favourite food with him and the whole family.

Abah, I know you know that I know you love me. And I hope you know I know that you know I love you.

Happy birthday, Abah. May Allah bless you with more rahmat, berkat and joy. Aamin.


Hafez Zahruddin said...

You remember that phase in your life when you think that your father's words are the most garbage in the world and you refuse to listen to them? And do you remember the phase after that which made you sit down and realize that he is the wisest man in your life, and you always turn to him for advice?
I have gone through both...
I love my father as well, so love thy father dude.

looka80 said...

badril - happy birthday to your father too! huhu..

ukanera arenaku said...

thanks, hafez. thanks, sham. we ate lots of satay from his favourite stall!

ADEK FÀB said...

My dad's birthday is on 3 June ;)