Monday 29 December 2008

Grow Up!!!

Allow me to borrow that phrase by Norish Karman which I 'accidentally' heard (percaya tak?) in Spa Q II. And allow me to throw that phrase to the Censorship Unit of RTM for their puzzling decision to GAM a new song by Kopratasa, titled Aku Bukan Musuh Harta. Reason given is that its lyric, which was penned by Dr. Asri Zainul Abidin, is too KASAR. My vocabulary might not as CANGGIH as those who sit on that censorhip board, kasar to me is harsh. Mus... Zetty... please correct me if I'm wrong.

Let us go through the said lyric to find out how kasar is KASAR.


mereka kata:
mengapa kita tidak kaya raya?
tengoklah si fulan itu, bermewahan saja..
aku bertanya:
apakah caranya untuk aku kaya?
tapi.. secara mulia dan tanpa berdusta

bukan kita tidak tahu
jalan, denai dan liku
agar harta ditemu dan disapu
tapi semuanya cara palsu dan tipu..
bukan kita tidak mahu
tapi kita tidak mampu
takut dan terkedu
mengenangkan Yang Maha Satu
Yang Tiada BagiNya sekutu

ya, telah kaya para pengkhianat
dengan harta yang sarat
tapi mereka lupa akhirat
balasan yang berat
di dunia, jiwa bertukar menjadi keparat

ya, telah kaya para pendusta
syarat mereka: lupakan Yang Esa
harta rakyat semua disebat
harta awam semua dibekam
hukum syaitan mereka bertuhan

kita pun ingin kaya
ada harta, ada kereta yang istimewa
ada rumah mewah yang melimpah
ada hidangan yang bukan sebarangan
ada duit yang bukan sedikit

tapi jalannya hendaklah suci
bukan seperti seorang pencuri
jika ada jalan yang mulia
di hujungnya ada harta
tunjukkan kita di mana saja
kita bukan musuh harta
kita cuma musuh pengkhianat bangsa dan negara
apatah lagi pengkhianat agama..

Again, my vocab might not as good as them, but I only managed to identify two words which might fall under their classification as KASAR, namely, PENGKHIANAT and KEPARAT.

If these are harsh words, I guess they may want to GAM quite a long list of SAJAKs, including by Datuk Usman Awang and Keris Mas, which had featured these words countless times.

Or maybe I got the wrong word. Maybe phrases like "harta rakyat semua disebat" or "telah kaya para pendusta" are indeed harsher than Datuk Shahnon Ahmad's SHIT or Hasmi Haron's Perempuan-Perempuan Celaka Itu"?

Come on, SAJAKs or movies are just products of creative writing. Don't they know what creative writing means?

I'm sure this immature decision was never went through our open-minded Menteri Penerangan. To me, this is just another 'classic' act from those apple polishers. And I don't think those millionaires really care of this song.

By the way, "telah kaya para pendusta" doesn't mean all rich people are liars. And the same goes to "telah kaya para pengkhianat".


p/s: It's official, Mualaf has been banned by the Censorship Board!


looka80 said...

badril - agree with ya. nothin' harsh pun about the lyrics.

ukanera arenaku said...

itu yg pelik bin ajaib tu!

Mus The Great said...

this is agree with u!

Mya said...

happy new year 2009! :)

ukanera arenaku said...

so, ru in for our book project? not sure whether zetty got the email or not. will resend to her.

happy new year to u too.

Zetty said...

Kasar sebab terkena batang hidung ke?

book project apa ni beb? email me back at