The event was co-organised by Azzril, Ajoi and myself and each one of us was allocated with 15 guests each. Taken into consideration that this makan-makan was to be held after office hour on week day, I've shortlisted 15 of my close friends who I think could make it to the party. Alhamdulillah, all my invited guests had turned up at the party while Azzril was short of three guests and Ajoi's two.
Although it was raining a bit at the begining of the party, alhamdulillah it did not stop the invitees to come and get together with friends. And thank God, the majlis went smoothly and without any mishaps (not that we've anticipated any!).
And I took the opportunity to throw a surprise birthday celebration for Konda and Azzril. Walaupun Hafez agak kurang setuju pada permulaannya, tapi aku rasa alang-alang kawan-kawan rapat Azzril ada pada masa itu, baik kita ambil kesempatan yang ada. I'm so sorry Hafez if that has disrupted any of your in-coming plans.
Ramai yang tanya tentang objektif parti ini. Aku pun tak tahu macam mana nak jawap. Apa-apa pun, cuba tanyakan Azzril ataupun Ajoi. Dah nama pun thanksgiving, pastinya untuk mensyukuri rezeki yang ada.
As always, I've learned a valuable lesson from this event. It seems that some of my friends (althought they were not specifically in my list of invitees per se), have the habit of do not bother to confirm their attendance. Or that concept is too alien for them? Bukan apa, kalau mereka mengesahkan ketidakhadiran terlebih awal, sekurang-kurangnya pihak penganjur boleh memajukan jemputan kepada orang lain.
Bak kata Izal, lain padang lainlah belalang.
Anyhow, on behalf of Azzril, Ajoi and myself, thank you very much for coming, friends. We really appreciate it. Terima kasih daun keladi kepada yang membantu, terutamanya Ajim dan Ade.
Jangan serik semua. Kalau ada umur yang panjang, boleh kita bermajlis kesyukuran lagi!
it was a greeeat party...thank you for inviting me
first of all, Thank you very much for the surprise party. wasnt expecting it was partly to celebrate my birthday. i rasa terharu sbb u all remember it.
as for the invitation, somehow, i didnt get any email at all, even up until now. i actually dah tau pasal party ni, tp i diam je la sbb tunggu di invite. kalo takde, i diam je la. but thanks Hasmiron to take the effort to call me and invite me.
thanks for all ;)
all the pictures are extremely tremendous moment..but too sad that some of frens are not in the so-called thanksgiving party.. 8-)
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