Wednesday 21 January 2009

Open letter to the so-called Mus-The-Great

Call me have self-esteem of a wet toast but I do not really buy the whole idea of an organized reunion. It’s conceited and pretentious to say the least. Those people who really wanted to come are usually vindictive, showy people with something to gloat about; or they simply there to rub the faces of those people who used to torture them, with their current, much talked about “success”.

Don’t get me wrong. I certainly do not have problems with meeting old friends outside once in a while, have a few drinks and chat until the wee hours; but to dress up expensively, drag you wife (ves) and infants, throwing your business cards like you just won a presidential election and act like you are still in high school? - na’ah I don’t think so, thankyouverymuch.
Aku terpanggil untuk menjawab pandangan songsang Mus-The-Great seperti yang dirakamkan dalam dua rangkap di atas.

Untuk menuduh rakan-rakannya yang pernah belajar sama-sama di bawah satu bumbung sebagai vain dan showy, bagi aku, adalah satu pandangan yang kurang ajar.

Hanya kerana beliau malu kepada dirinya sendiri untuk apa jua alasan, janganlah sewenang-wenangnya melabelkan orang lain mempunyai agenda tersembunyi setiap kali menghadiri reunion ataupun bersua temu dengan ex-classmates.

Dress up expensively? Have you ever been any of SMS Muar reunions before? Or you’re just dreaming of attending one like in the Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion? Hahaha… what a joke!

Just because you have the self-esteem of a wet toast, don’t penalise us to get together with old friends to share and exchange some old memories. Biar baik ataupun buruk, memori-memori tersebut adalah sebahagian daripada lipatan sejarah hidup kita, yang tetap akan kita tonton di Padang Masyar nanti.

Sekurang-kurangnya, aku bangga dengan apa jua jalan yang aku lalui. And I don’t give a **** of what people think of me.

Akhir kata, aku cabar kau datang ke majlis tersebut nanti, supaya tanggapan bahawa kau malu dengan diri kau sendiri (yang aku percaya tidak benar), betul-betul TIDAK BENAR.

Ada berani, Mus-The-Great?


Azwad said...

Sabar bang. I agree with you.

looka80 said...

badril - wow! i double dare mus d great.. leh tak? hehe.

Zetty said...
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Zetty said...

reading this entry was like an illustration of what i had in mind and more.

yeah mus. how now?

ukanera arenaku said...

thanks, mate. when's our banting's?

the more the merrier! hehehe

let us all pressure him! hehehe

Azwad said...

Banting's reunion seems far fetched today that it was during the influx of facebook membership among us.

The problems include;

1. Redundancy of groups-
There are 3 groups, banting95/97, reunion banting95/96 and Kolej Mara banting.

2. Inactive admins

3. Lack of interests

4. No organisation.
I would suggest that the ex-class representative should join effort to make this reunion. So far, class reps has organized their classes' reunions e.g buka puasa, raya open house