Thursday 3 January 2008

A girl, A grandpa and I

"That girl is a personal friend."

Politics aside, I really think that is inappropriate to refer to a woman who you made love with. Don't get me wrong because I'm not saying that I condone what he did and I'm not interested to be a moral police myself either. How about, "she's a personal friend of mine" or "the lady is a personal friend of mine". Is it because she is early 20s, so she is that girl. If that the case, then who you think you are, you 61 year old... grandpa?

Oh, my God... what I need now is some DVDs to cheer me up. I think I want to give Little Mosque on the Prairie a try. My uncle gave me the DVD when I visited him and his family in London last month. He said he know I will enjoy this show, which is an instant hit in Canada, currently showing in various countries around the world, including France, Israel and Turkey. Hopefully, it will get to Malaysia too.

Okay guys, before I sign off, I would like to make known of my intention for my second part of European Tour. Insya-Allah, I'm planning to go to either Spain or Scandinavian countries. I really hope this time around I can gather two or three friends for this trip. Anyone?



Jo-Anne said...

wow..spain..that sounds nice...:)

Happy New Year:)

looka80 said...

asyik berjalan jek taw!! mencik... hehe. hv fun and ati2 kat negara org itew.

Unknown said...

Spain should be good...even Scandinavia but be prepared for the verye xpensive prices masa kats ana uols..masa weols kat Sweden & Denmark pun mmg mahal gilbabs! Dgr from our frens di sana, Norway laaagilaaaaaaaaaaaa mahal nak mampos! Finland perhaps the lesser pricey than those three countries. I know this cuz I have a friend there.

Have a great trip! :)