Thursday 26 April 2007

Japanese or Moroccan style?

I found an interesting website, Rental Decorating Digest,which I think really useful for first timer like me. Now, I have an idea on how to get started systematically. I get to know, among others, decorating style, colour scheme
and mood lighting. There are a couple of articles on tips to "make" your home/room look larger and more interesting.

But I really don't what style to choose. There are number of interesting styles that caught my attention - Japanese, Mediterranean, Moroccan, traditional, English country, contemporary, shaker, southwestern and so on.

Japanese and Moroccan styles may suit my taste very well. The former stresses on simplicity and uses neutral and natural colours while the latter plays with vibrant colours and highlights the use of exotic plants and tiles.

Dua-dua menarik! Macam mana, ya?

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