Saturday 21 April 2007

home decorating for dummies

The headache doesn't stopped once you got the keys to your new home. It starts to get even worse. And it requires more and more money.

Before you get the memorandum (don't laugh, ok...) for keys, you need to settle any interest for late payment and plus other charges like deposit for water, deposit for electricity, quit rent, assessment and prepayment for maintenance fee (depends on the developers, some ask for one year and some are a bit generous, like mine who asked for 3 months).

After you give them the cheque, now you get your home for real (I hope so!). Then, you have to think of more and more money for the following:
1) safeguard your home (iron grills, security system, etc.)
2) lighting & wiring (to install lamps, ceiling fans, water heater, air-con, etc)
3) furnitures
4) electrical appliances
5) decorative items (from the necessity like curtain to unnecessary ones)

As for me, I was in panic mode for few days before I got to be rationale and started to ask the "learned" ones. A says this. B says that. C says don't do this. D says do that. And started to panic again.

I turned to internet and got more panic.

Aiyo... gempar lah.

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