I braved myself yesterday to go out from my room and went to city centre to see how much Manchester (at least the city centre) has changed since the last time I was here, August 2000. Before I jumped onto a MagicBus, I managed to snap a picture of my hall i.e. Ladybarn House.
I stopped for awhile @my school to check whether or not, the bank letter is ready to be collected. Unfortunately, I've to come again tomorrow (today) and proceed with application to open a bank account with... HSBC. Last time, it was called Midland Bank. Oh yeah... another snapshot and this is the Arthur Lewis Building, which housed the School of Environment and Development.
I quickly jumped onto another MagicBus to continue my journey (journey? hehehe) to City Centre. From what I see, the City Centre has not changed much. A couple of new buildings and a few merchants moved in and out.
And I noticed they've levelled up the small square in front of the bus station, which is good to me but unfortunately, I prefer the previous landspace. Full of colourful flowering plants. Or is it because summer is almost over and those flowers have already blossomed in April!
Anyhow, I also managed to do some shopping at the Arndale Shopping Centre, and picked up, among others a jumper and a short for my still-in-planning sport activities. By the way, is YOGA considered as sport? Hmmm...
u might find this amusing but Manchester U nye faculty buiding ala2 Tulane lah!...wonder saper bina dulu...hihih