Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Berkecil Hati Seorang Sutradara

Aku tak tahu sama ada hendak bersimpati atau nak gelakkan Ahmad Idham.

It all started when YB Khairy Jamaluddin was raving about the newest Malay film in town, Bunohan. YB KJ didn't stop there but made a brief comparison with Ahmad Idham's Hantu Bonceng! He said, "Bunohan was excellent. Deep metaphors, great dialogue & accomplished cinematography. Def not Hantu Bonceng genre. Msian cinematic art".

Come on, Ahmad Idham! Act like an adult. You were smiling from one ear to another when people praised (definitely, I'm NOT one of them), but cannot accept criticism at all?

Siapa suruh buat filem yang macam itu! You win in the short run, but I doubt people will ever remember it in the next decade.

It's your call, man. Be a responsible karyawan :)

p/s: anybody would like to join to watch this film @Viva tonight?

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

1Malaysia Book Voucher

Aku pun dapat baucar buku yang bernilai RM200 kerana aku seorang pelajar IPT. Baucar buku ini diberikan untuk meringankan beban membeli buku-buku yang semakin hari semakin mahal harganya.

Ada juga sesetengah pelajar yang menjual baucar ini untuk mendapatkan wang tunai. Salahkah tindakan mereka ini?

Pada pendapat aku, pelajar perlu jujur dan amanah. Baucar ini diberikan untuk meringankan beban para pelajar dalam meneruskan pengajian mereka.

Sekiranya, wang itu digunakan untuk perkara-perkara yang mustahak yang membantu pembelajaran mereka seperti membeli makanan yang berkhasiat, alatan tulis ataupun mencukupkan duit untuk sewa rumah, pada aku tidak menjadi masalah. Ini kerana makanan yang berkhasiat dan mencukupi adalah penting untuk para pelajar kekal sihat untuk mengikuti pengajian mereka. Begitu juga dengan sewa rumah, supaya fikiran mereka tidak merewang untuk memikirkan bagaimana untuk melangsaikan sewa rumah. Jadi, mereka boleh belajar dengan lebih tenang dan memfokus kepada pelajaran mereka tanpa diganggu hal-hal lain.

Kerajaan pun telah melonggarkan syarat-syarat yang terikat dengan baucar buku ini. Ia boleh dimanfaatkan untuk apa sahaja bahan bacaan, baik buku ilmiah ataupun bukan ilmiah, serta alatan tulis juga.

Apa-apapun, selamat berbelanja kepada semua pelajar IPT dan jadilah pengguna yang bijaksana.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Rumah Lelong

Berbaloi tak kalau bila rumah lelong?

RM40 ribu untuk apartmen 3-bilik. Tapi unit ini adalah jenis kos rendah. Pada kebiasaannya, perumahan kos rendah tidak mempunyai rekod penyelenggaraan yang baik.

Sama ada penghuni-penghuninya tidak mampu untuk membayar yuran penyelenggaraan ataupun tahap kesedaran yang rendah tentang peri pentingnya membayar yuran tersebut.

Ada orang kata kadar sewa rumah di Melaka tidak begitu memberansangkan. Kadang kala bayaran bulan kepada bank untuk tidak boleh 'cover'!

Lagi satu, unit ini terletak di tingkat 3. Hmmm... Berbaloi tak?

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Allah Selamatkan Norizan Khalip

Moga murah rezeki dan berkat usia, dari kami semua.

Izan adalah salah seorang daripada Geng Bebudak Melaka, yang gemar berkaraoke dan suka turut serta dalam aktiviti kebudayaan.

Sekarang ini, kelibatnya sering dilihat di Taman Rekreasi Bukit Serindit. Tengah bersungguh-sungguh untuk menurunkan berat badannya.

Anyhow, all the best in your undertakings Izan. Happy birthday!!!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Saya Keluaran Peranchis!

I spotted this label at Tesco Ampang, during my routine grocery shopping last saturday.

I love to read product labels! I picked up this habit during my university days. Those time, I did it to ensure that all products I consumed were free from animal-based fat. Due to limited products with halal certification, I read the label to ensure it contains NO E471 - animal-based emulsifier.

And I tried my very best NOT to buy any made-in-israel products because I'm a supporter of Palestine.
So every time I visited Tesco or Sainsbury's, I picked up the goods, read the labels. Once convinced and satisfied, only then will I put them in my shopping cart.

Since then I learned a lot of logos or certifications which have made my shopping outing much shorter.
That logo means kosher, this logo means suitable for vegetarians. This was made from organic produce, that was produced by British farmers. And the list goes on and on.

At home, bulk of local products have simple labels. But at least, most of them have halal logo. Some would add GMP, which indicates such products were manufactured according to best practices.

And to see Tesco has started indicating the products' country of origin, have made my shopping experience more exciting. I know they weren't the first because I think I saw Mydin and Carrefour have special sections were products are arranged according to (Malaysian) states or country of origin.

I really believe that this is the fruit of market liberation of retail sector. It increases competition as well as brings in new technology and best practices. At the end, the industry becomes more efficient and modern.
I hope soon they would introduce self checkout counters like what they have in the UK.

A Long Overdue Visit

Aku betul-betul tak tahu tentang kehamilan Mrs. FendY, sehingga seorang kawan buka mulut. Aku cuba dapatkan pengesahan daripada Mr. & Mrs. FendY, tapi kedua-duanya diam seribu bahasa. Mungkin mereka ada alasan yang tersendiri. Dan sebagai seorang kawan, aku hormati keputusan itu.

Tap tap, aku dikhabarkan bahawa Mrs. FendY telah selamat melahirkan seorang bayi lelaki yang sihat pada bulan Januari yang lalu.

And because of conflicting schedules, I've been postponing my visit until this weekend. I whatsapped FendY to find out whether or not, he will be coming down to KL this weekend, and whether I could pay them a visit. FendY is working in Kerteh while his wife is in Selangor with their new born boy.

Both FendY and his wife have agreed to receive me at their residence in Taman Sri Gombak. And this is my first time coming to this part of Selangor even though I've passed through the area countless of times.

Coincidentally, the day I visited Adrian Nazry or Ian, he was 2 months old! So, happy 2-months old Ian! May Allah bless you with lots of rahmat, berkat and joy. And be the proud of your loving parents, family and ummah. Be good always!

I asked FendY what is their immediate plan with the arrival of Ian. He said one of them will apply to relocate so that the three of them could live together under the same roof. Yeap, I really support the plan. A child like Ian really need both of his parents to be around to nurture his growing.

Once again, would like to take this opportunity to congratulate both Mr. & Mrs. Fendy of the arrival of their first child. And the very best of luck in parenting too.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Curry Laksa

Can anyone out there enlighten me on the ingredients of curry laksa.

Is it made of fish paste or shrimp paste?

I just had a bowl of curry laksa at Lanai Kijang with Juita last week. Half way eating it, I just realised that I was not supposed to eat laksa.

Well, I do not have any alergies to any of its ingredients. It's just that I dislike the smell of laksa that used fish paste. But I'm fine with Sarawak laksa because it was made with shrimp paste. I guess I could also have curry laksa in the future because it does not have that smell of other laksas.

So, where can I have the best curry laksa in town? Jom!!!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Cantik Tak Topi Saya?

Pandai betul anak buah aku bergaya di hadapan kamera.

Kali ini dengan topi yang ibunya beli di Jom Heboh yang diadakan di MITC, Ayer Keroh.
Wafri sudah enam bulan sekarang. Sudah pandai meniarap, tapi belum bisa merangkak. Baru belajar untuk angkat punggung.

Acapkali dia gagal angkat punggung, Wafri akan merengek.

Tak mengapa sayang. Usaha lagi. Bak kata Uncle Mus, usaha adalah tangga untuk kejayaan :)